22 January 2023

How to Create an Eye Catching Dating Profile

You’ve heard the old saying that it’s important to make a great first impression? This definitely is true for your online dating profile.  Your dating profile is the first thing that a potential match will see and read before even a single word is exchanged.  Therefore it needs to be eye-catching and send the right kind of message.  Below are a few hints and tricks to help you create an eye-catching online dating profile.

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Have a great profile picture (LINK) 

Did you know that your online dating profile picture affects whether people trust you?  Research from the Smithsonian of 300 heterosexual volunteers found this to be true.  Co-author Rory McGloin said, “You look at a picture of someone and all of a sudden you’re making judgments about what their personality is like, what their values are,

whether or you want to go on a date with them or even maybe spend the rest of your life with them.  And it’s all based on one picture.” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/your-online-dating-profile-picture-affects-whether-people-trust-you-180955207/ So no pressure, but your profile picture says a lot.  So here’s some useful hints and tricks to help you pick the right image for your profile: 

  • Smile 
    • Yes it may sound pretty simple, but it’s amazing how many profile pictures you see that will leave you feeling cold.  Show your dazzling pearly whites and show them you’re genuinely happy to be online.
  • Show your eyes
    • You do look cool in those shades, but being able to see someone’s eyes is an indicator of trustworthiness.  
  • Send the right message
    • You may not be a big drinker, but if every picture of you is with a drink in hand, you might be sending an unintentional message.  When you review your online dating profiles, make sure they are varied.  You don’t want to mistakenly be assumed to be a certain type of person, before the first message is sent.   
  • Dress for success 
    • We know that our pyjamas are super comfy, but you wouldn’t wear them on an actual first date, so why would you on a virtual one? When selecting your photo, ensure that you are putting your best foot forward.  

Write a catchy headline

You only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention online.  Research shows that they first look at your image, next is your headline, so it’s important to make it count.  Try to avoid writing cliches like ‘I love to go for walks and read books’ and definitely stay away from negative vibes like ‘Don’t message me if…’  Keep things funny and personalized.  Here are some great examples to consider:

  • Are you my netflix & chill? 
  • Gamer hitting restart and looking for a high score in co-op mode
  • Musician looking for someone to write the next verse

Completely fill in your profile

Let’s be honest, if you’re going to give online dating a go, might as well go all in.  When people see your profile they want t oknow more about you as a person and whether you could be a potential soul mate.  But, how will they now if all you’ve written is ‘Hi’ under your introduction?  Make sure you take the time to complete your profile and think how it will be time well invested as it will make a great first impression.

Leave your negativity or cliches at the door

We mentioned it about your headline, but it goes for all of your interactions online.  The guy who drops all the creepy one-liners, or the girl who talks to everyone about her ex are not going to be the romance winners online.  So when it comes to first impressions, leave your negativity at the door and wind back on the dad jokes and just see where the conversation takes you. 

Be you

Last, but most importantly, be you.  There are over 7 billion people on this planet and we are all unique.  You don’t need to be someone you’re not to find ‘the one’.  Stay true to yourself and keep upbeat, the one for you is out there somewhere.

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