22 January 2023

Are You Ready to Start Online Dating?

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Everyone talks about how it is difficult to put yourself out there when you are dating.  Walking up to someone at the bar, or crossing the room to talk with the cute guy or girl by the door.  A lot of people think that it’s a lot easier to do online dating instead. Because there is a degree of anonymity and you can put forward your best self (or profile) every time.  That may be true, but it can still be a scary and daunting place.  So before you get online, you need to ask yourself a few questions first.  

Questions To Ask Before Dating

  • What are your motives, and be honest about them

Everyone has a different definition of what the ‘perfect relationship is’.  Are you looking for your soulmate, or perhaps just for a good time and a strong connection?  both are fine. However, it’s important with online dating that you are upfront and clear about what you are looking for.  If you are searching for your soulmate but your profile says that you’re open to anything. You are happy to ‘see where things go’, then you might be sending mixed signals.  

That is why it’s so important that before you sit down to write your online dating profile, you think about what you really want out of this experience.  Then, make sure you are honest about it.  

  • Are you willing to be open to different opportunities?

We don’t mean open as in willing to have a fling when you’re searching for your soulmate.  We mean open, as in chatting with someone online who maybe you wouldn’t normally date.  Is tall, dark, and handsome your style.?  Well, it’s okay to chat with the medium-height, blonde guy and see where things lead.  You’ll be surprised at how opening up your mind to different possibilities can lead to surprisingly great matches! 

  • Are you willing to take it offline? 

Yes, you heard right, you cannot have a virtual relationship forever. Online dating is a great way to safely get to know someone.  It is important to exchange a good amount of messages. To really get to know someone before you meet them offline.  But it’s also important to make the leap, and sooner rather than later.  Research shows that interest generally wanes after the first real-life meeting. It’s especially true if online communication lasts longer than three weeks as people tend to build up unrealistic or idealized expectations.     washingtonpost.com

So before you spend a few hours in front of the mirror to get the ultimate selfie for your dating profile. It’s important to ask yourself if you are ready to start your online dating journey.  Be honest about what you are looking for. Be open to new opportunities with different types of people, and take it offline sooner rather than later to see if those sparks really do fly! 

  • What are your motives, and be honest about them

Everyone has a different definition of what the ‘perfect relationship is’.  Are you looking for your soulmate, or perhaps just for a good time and a strong connection?  Both are fine, however it’s important with online dating that you are upfront and clear about what you are looking for.  If you are searching for your soulmate, but your profile says that you’re open to anything and happy to ‘see where things go’, then you might be sending mixed signals.  

That is why it’s so important that before you sit down to write your online dating profile, that you think about what you really want out of this experience.  Then, make sure you are honest about it.  

  • Are you willing to be open to different opportunities?

We don’t mean open as in willing to have a fling when you’re searching for your soulmate.  We mean open, as in chatting with someone online who maybe you wouldn’t normally date.  Is tall, dark and handsome your style?  Well it’s okay to chat with the medium height, blonde guy and see where things lead.  You’ll be surprised at how opening up your mind to different possibilities can lead to surprisingly great matches! 

  • Are you willing to take it offline? 

Yes, you heard right, you cannot have a virtual relationship forever. Online dating is a great way to safely get to know someone.  It is important to exchange a good amount of messages and really get to know someone before you meet them offline.  But it’s also important to make the leap, and sooner rather than later.  Research shows that interest generally wanes after the first real-life meeting, and it’s especially true if the online communication lasts longer than three weeks as people tend to build up unrealistic or idealized expectations.     washingtonpost.com

So before you spend a few hours in front of the mirror to get the ultimate selfie for your dating profile, it’s important to ask yourself if you are ready to start your online dating journey.  Be honest about what you are looking for and be open to new opportunities with different types of people, and take it offline sooner rather and later to see if those sparks really do fly! 

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